Once the specified audio file has been read in its entirety, we'll need to print out the stored spectrum information for the created voice print. 在完全读入指定的音频文件后,我们需要为创建的声波纹输出存储的频谱信息。
Our script will accept a single file as an argument, and will print out whether it appears to be a tarball. 我们的脚本将接受一个文件作为自变量,然后打印:该文件是否是一个tar文件。
When finished, you can save to file, copy to clipboard or print out directly. 完成后,您可以保存到文件,复制到剪贴板或直接打印出来。
Can be in a folder or file name of the folder into the output file or directly print out the tool. 可以将文件夹或是文件夹中的文件名称输出成为文件或是直接打印出来的工具。
This form was designed to achieve the most basic operations ( such as on the CAD graphic file open, save, print, translation, real-time zoom, zoom window, zoom in and out) and the display channel area of engineering data earth. 本窗体的设计是要实现一些最基本的操作(对CAD图形文件的打开、保存、打印、平移、实时放大、窗口缩放、放大和缩小)和显示渠道工程相关数据。